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Message: Re: Hang on, is there ANOTHER Guenter here?

Changed By: MikenOH
Change Date: March 24, 2015 08:48PM

Re: Hang on, is there ANOTHER Guenter here?
Along those lines I wonder if the same would happen with the PDK with a Boxster in normal driving where you drop it in D and you go about your business of steering and adding throttle/brake inputs--just like your typical sedan. Since most of our driving is on city streets, I'd be afraid that the PDK would just lend itself to the Boxster driving experience becoming just another lesser involved activity, as most automatic equipped cars seem to be these days.[/quote]

That's my concern - you've pretty much hit the nail on the head, Mike.[/quote]

Any chance you could drive a 981 with PDK for a couple of days on your normal routes? I ask since I don't think a 15-20 minute drive would get the job done on predicting how happy you might be with it long term. Maybe a local dealer could be accomidating enough to make that happen.

We are sort of in the same boat with our E90 328i with a manual. Even though the gear box has a honda-like shift linkage, the car is still fun to run through the gears after 7 years.
There seem to be precious few sporting sedans these days that offer a manual tranny; if we ever got out of this car I have no idea what the replacement we might get, but recently I saw a new WRX on the road that really caught my eye and it still comes in a manual.

Original Message

Author: MikenOH
Date: March 24, 2015 08:37PM

Re: Hang on, is there ANOTHER Guenter here?
Along those lines I wonder if the same would happen with the PDK with a Boxster in normal driving where you drop it in D and you go about your business of steering and adding throttle/brake inputs--just like your typical sedan. Since most of our driving is on city streets, I'd be afraid that the PDK would just lend itself to the Boxster driving experience becoming just another lesser involved activity, as most automatic equipped cars seem to be these days.[/quote]

That's my concern - you've pretty much hit the nail on the head, Mike.[/quote]

Any chance you could drive a 981 with PDK for a couple of days on your normal routes? I ask since I don't think a 15-20 minute drive would get the job done on predicting how happy you might be with it long term. Maybe a local dealer could be accomidating enough to make that happen.