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Message: Yes, certainly better for shadow detail, but the tree/skyline puts it into the personal moment.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: May 06, 2015 08:00PM

Yes, certainly better for shadow detail, but the tree/skyline puts it into the personal moment.
Your cropping makes it more abstract; monolithically amorphous, which I appreciate, too.
It was just a casual shot with an iPhone. Next time : Canon F1 with [i]film[/i]!

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: May 06, 2015 07:59PM

Yes, certainly better for shadow detail, but the tree/skyline puts it into the personal moment.
Your cropping makes it more abstract; monolithically amorphous, which I appreciate, too.
It was just a casual shot with an iPhone. Next time Canon F1 with [i]film[/i]!