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Message: The owner's already got a 58 Jag XK150 and my original Boxster (literally in the barn!) sitting on 10 acres.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 14, 2015 05:47PM

The owner's already got a 58 Jag XK150 and my original Boxster (literally in the barn!) sitting on 10 acres.
n/tThe mill house is his woodworking shop and he has my dad's band saw, shaper, and jointer. The car picture was taken to the left, past what's on this cover:
A few years ago we went somewhere with the atlas, and when he closed it he first saw the cover and was amazed, as he didn't know of the picture. He figures it was taken before he bought the property.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: July 14, 2015 05:37PM

The owner's already got a 58 Jag XK150 and my original Boxster (literally in the barn!) sitting on 10 acres.