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Message: Hi Guenter..

Changed By: Rick (Nashville, TN)
Change Date: July 18, 2015 10:11PM

Hi Guenter..
Both of mine were built in Finland. Not sure if there's any special significance to this, lol. But both cars are an absolute pleasiure to drive. :)

'00 Boxster S = U(usikaupunki)
'12 Cayman R = U(usikaupunki)

Regards, -Rick.

Original Message

Author: Rick (Nashville, TN)
Date: July 18, 2015 10:09PM

Hi Guenter..
Both of mine were built in Finland. Not sure if there's any special significance to this, lol. But both cars are an absolute pleasire to drive. :)

'00 Boxster S = U(usikaupunki)
'12 Cayman R = U(usikaupunki)

Regards, -Rick.