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Message: There's a (this?) story running on CNBC today about some tech-clown "testing" this on PUBLIC roads.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 22, 2015 02:29PM

There's a (this?) story running on CNBC today about some tech-clown "testing" this on PUBLIC roads.
He knew the hackers were going to do something, but didn't know what. They messed with radio volume (great for distracted driving,) and cut out the transmission and/or the engine. Also the windshield washers, with the jerk exclaiming, "I can't see!" Real smart, a--hole! Bring it to a closed track! I've yet to hear any of the commentators bring this up.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: July 22, 2015 02:07PM

There's a (this?) story running on CNBC today about some tech-clown "testing" this on PUBLIC roads.
He knew the hackers were going to do something, but didn't know what. They messed with radio volume (great for distracted driving,) and cut out the transmission and/or the engine. Real smart, a--hole! Bring it to a closed track! I've yet to hear any of the commentators bring this up.