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Message: Same question for you, Mike. CEL?

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: August 13, 2015 12:57PM

Same question for you, Mike. CEL?
I'm curious because my 981 has a pretty backfire-y exhaust on throttle lift off. quite often. The dealer tells me this is "normal" or "ok" but I wonder if the mechanics have actually experienced it if and when they've road tested the car. I might ask them to check the pot at the next servicing, without sounding like a wisea-- know-it-all. , and also realizing it could be a bajillion other things that affect fuel cut-off, etc. My car hasn't had any CELs, knock on wood!

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: August 13, 2015 12:55PM

Same question for you, Mike. CEL?
I'm curious because my 981 has a pretty backfire-y exhaust on throttle lift off. The dealer tells me this is "normal" or "ok" but I wonder if the mechanics have actually experienced it if and when they've road tested the car. I might ask them to check the pot at the next servicing, without sounding like a wisea-- know-it-all. My car hasn't had any CELs, knock on wood!