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Message: Porsche = Borislav?

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: August 25, 2015 12:25PM

Porsche = Borislav?
A long time ago I came across a print article speculating that the "Porsche" as a name is a Germanicized version of the Czech/slavic "Borislav." Every now and then I've tried to find any reference to this, to no avail, other than what follows. I couldn't get the original and English translation links to work here, but if you do a Google search by pasting in the term below, do a "Translate this page" on the first result, you may find definition 2 intriguing.

Talk: Porsche - Wiktionary

(I've deliberately added a space after the colon so as to avoid getting an emoticon in the preview.)

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: August 25, 2015 12:23PM

Porsche = Borislav?
A long time ago I came across a print article speculating that "Porsche" as a name is a Germanicized version of the Czech/slavic "Borislav." Every now and then I've tried to find any reference to this, to no avail, other than what follows. I couldn't get the original and English translation links to work here, but if you do a Google search by pasting in the term below, do a "Translate this page" on the first result, you may find definition 2 intriguing.

Talk: Porsche - Wiktionary

(I've deliberately added a space after the colon so as to avoid getting an emoticon in the preview.)