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Message: Same here: people from all walks of life get a kick out of seeing my car.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: August 29, 2015 12:16AM

Same here: people from all walks of life get a kick out of seeing my car.
I cheerily give them as much time as I can. In 9 years of having the 986, and 3 more with the 981, only once, about a year ago did I get a negative reaction. It was some jingoistic xenophobe who scowled and said I should've bought American. My ready reply is when we [i]build[/i] American, as in how we became the greatest country on eEarth, I'll [i]buy[/i] American. Years ago Ford advertised with the slogan, "Quality is job number one." Problem was, they apparently put all their capital into advertising bs instead of actually building quality cars. And to this day, most every American design has at least some aesthetic superfluousness in an attempt to disguise its blandness and lack of harmony.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: August 29, 2015 12:11AM

Same here: people from all walks of life get a kick out of seeing my car.
I cheerily give them as much time as I can. In 9 years of having the 986, and 3 more with the 981, only once, about a year ago did I get a negative reaction. It was some jingoistic xenophobe who scowled and said I should've bought American. My ready reply is when we [i]build[/i] American, as in how we became the greatest country on earth, I'll [i]buy[/i] American. Years ago Ford advertised with the slogan, "Quality is job number one." Problem was, they apparently put all their capital into advertising bs instead of actually building quality cars. And to this day, most every American design has at least some aesthetic superfluousness in an attempt to disguise its blandness and lack of harmony.