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Message: Re: How to get the hood open when the battery is dead?

Changed By: jwdbox
Change Date: February 12, 2011 05:26PM

Re: How to get the hood open when the battery is dead?
You did not indicate but it sounds like you have an automatic- with a stick you can always get it into neutral without the key in the ignition. The easiest way would be to use the maintainer/charger through the cigarette lighter, to at least get enough power to get it out of the garage. Also some maintainers (like the CTEK 3300 I use- they make the identical one for Porsche sans the logo) have an alternate set of clips (in addition to the cigarette light er plug end) that you could use to connect to the fuse box jumper without getting the car out of the garage. Good luck.

Original Message

Author: jwdbox
Date: February 12, 2011 04:58PM

Re: How to get the hood open when the battery is dead?
You did not indicate but it sounds like you have an automatic- with a stick you can always get it into neutral without the key in the ignition. The easiest way would be to use the maintainer/charger through the cigarette lighter, to at least get enough power to get it out of the garage. Also some maintainers (like the CTEK 3300 I use- they make the identical one for Porsche sans the logo) have an alternate set of clips (in addition to the cigarette light end) that you could use to connect to the fuse box jumper without getting the car out of the garage. Good luck.