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Message: "Who" is that owl? Also-

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: September 16, 2015 09:10AM

"Who" is that owl? Also-
Years ago, well before Porsche's every day engineering ad campaign, I went to a building supply place and put 40-50 pound bag of gravel in one trunk of my 986, and another big bag of sand in the other. A dump truck driver next to me looked on in amazement.
Great owl shot, actually. There have been barred owls in my neighborhood forever, but one night last year I heard what sounded like a crazed monkey in a tree just outside my house. Carefully I opened the door a poked out a flashlight. Turned out it was one of the barred owls. Check out the sounds at this link, especially the "Pair caterwauling."

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: September 16, 2015 09:03AM

"Who" is that owl? Also-
Years ago, well before Porsche's every day engineering ad campaign, I went to a building supply place and put 40-50 pound bag of gravel in one trunk of my 986, and another big bag of sand in the other. A dump truck driver next to me looked on in amazement.