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Message: Re: Something to think about on your Friday commute (edited)

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: September 18, 2015 02:24PM

Re: Something to think about on your Friday commute (edited)
Oh, yeah, logical somehow…
On a serious note, an interesting traffic law in my area that may be more universal, is being able to make a [i]left[/i] on red (after a full stop) when turning into a one-way street where the traffic is moving right to left. A friend actually got stopped once for doing that but had the cop look it up in his administrative code book.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: September 18, 2015 02:01PM

Re: Something to think about on your Friday commute
Oh, yeah, logical somehow…
On a serious note, an interesting traffic law in my area that may be more universal, is being able to make a [i]left[/i] on red when turning into a one-way street where the traffic is moving right to left. A friend actually got stopped once for doing that but had the cop look it up in his administrative code book.