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Message: Ummm......

Changed By: Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S)
Change Date: September 21, 2015 08:34PM

I, at 55, represent what I believe is a not-so-small demographic of enthusiasts who will always want a manual.

I grew up watching racing on Sat and Sunday, running 1:24 scale slot cars at the Buhl club and, with my HO and Aurora AFX home slots....... the kid's fantasy is sitting there going vrrrrrrrrrpthththththh vrrrhrhrhrhhrhhhhtptptptptptpp, while air shifting.... Well today, I got the cash and I am buying a manual.

I gotta believe I represent a pretty darn big market.

By the way, I just received the cooooolest T-shirt from the Chaparell (petroleum) Museum...... you must own one!!

http://petroleummuseum.org/shop/chaparral-racing-team-t-shirt/ (I am so proud!!!)

And yes, I had a 1:24 scale Cox Chaparell with a wing. The wing was attached, via a small stiff wire, to the side of the motor. The motor was in a pivoted cradle and the torque, on and off, would shift the motor thus causing the wing to move...... I was cooool.
I found it: http://www.theoldtoyguide.com/2015/06/20/1960-s-cox-chaparral-2e-mag-frame-1-24-scale-slot-car-unpainted/

Bruce in Philly

Original Message

Author: Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S)
Date: September 21, 2015 08:32PM

I, at 55, represent what I believe is a not-so-small demographic of enthusiasts who will always want a manual.

I grew up watching racing on Sat and Sunday, running 1:24 scale slot cars at the Buhl club and, with my HO and Aurora AFX home slots....... the kid's fantasy is sitting there going vrrrrrrrrrpthththththh vrrrhrhrhrhhrhhhhtptptptptptpp, while air shifting.... Well today, I got the cash and I am buying a manual.

I gotta believe I represent a pretty darn big market.

By the way, I just received the cooooolest T-shirt from the Chaparell (petroleum) Museum...... you must own one!!

http://petroleummuseum.org/shop/chaparral-racing-team-t-shirt/ (I am so proud!!!)

And yes, I had a 1:24 scale Chaparell with a wing. The wing was attached, via a small stiff wire, to the side of the motor. The motor was in a pivoted cradle and the torque, on and off, would shift the motor thus causing the wing to move...... I was cooool.

Bruce in Philly