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Message: VW Calamity, Porsche restructuring fantasy....

Changed By: JackintheBoxster
Change Date: September 23, 2015 06:34PM

VW Calamity, Porsche restructuring fantasy....
Leadership changes at VW/Porsche, which results in major changes -- the 911 line continues its climb toward stratospheric pricing and luxury while trading on its reputation for those with money and desire to be seen in a Porsche (marketing plan developed with the teams that made sure every Triumph Bonneville mention and special edition Ford Mustang mention also mentions Steve McQueen); the Boxster/Cayman line continues on a similar path, as it has been doing, for a younger crowd that doesn't aspire to 911s and thinks 356 was an early version of Herman Cain's 2012 tax plan (American political joke, you may not get it if you're elsewhere); new super high-tech performance division formed to create 98x's and 99x's purely designed for performance and made completely out of titanium with no radio, ac, etc.; and the new line of stripped-down, engaging sports cars for drivers who just want to drive on country roads, tracks, highways, have fun and enjoy driving -- the first new car is the 2017 Porsche Spyder 550.: no GPS or entertainment center, no audio enhancement of the engine noise, 40 grand out the door.

Original Message

Author: JackintheBoxster
Date: September 23, 2015 06:31PM

VW Calamity, Porsche restructuring fantasy....
Leadership changes at VW/Porsche, which results in major changes -- the 911 line continues its climb toward stratospheric pricing and luxury while trading on its reputation for those with money and desire to be seen in a Porsche (marketing plan developed with the teams that made sure every Triumph Bonneville mention and special edition Ford Mustang mention also mentions Steve McQueen); the Boxster/Cayman line continues on a similar path, as it has been doing, for a younger crowd that doesn't aspire to 911s and thinks 356 was an early version of Herman Cain's 2012 tax plan (American political joke, you may not get it if you're elsewhere); new super high-tech performance division formed to create 98x's and 99x's purely designed for performance and made completely out of titanium with no radio, ac, etc.; and the new line of stripped-down, engaging sports cars for drivers who just want to drive on country roads, tracks, highways, have fun and enjoy driving -- the first new car is the 2017 Porsche Spyder 550.