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Message: Re: You're missing the point

Changed By: CarreraLicious
Change Date: September 27, 2015 10:30AM

Re: You're missing the point
Yeah, but I'd argue that pulling the manual from the GT3 made sense as it's made for the track, and on the track, for fastest lap times, a PDK makes sense. When they pull it from the regular 911s and Boxsters/Caymans, then that would stink.


Original Message

Author: CarreraLicious
Date: September 27, 2015 10:24AM

Re: You're missing the point
Yeah, but I'd argue that pulling the manual from the GT3 made sense as it's made for the track, and on the track, for fastest lap times, a PDK makes sense. When they pull it from the regular 911s and Boxsters/Caymans, then that would stink.