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Message: For those of you fortunate enough to be driving a 997.2 C2S or C4S

Changed By: MikenOH
Change Date: November 23, 2015 02:49PM

For those of you fortuneate enough to be driving a 997.2 C2S or C4S
A good friend recently picked up a 997.2 C4S and I had to chance to drive it--a very nice car out of the box.
He later decided to add the Sport/Sport+ button hardware software from Suncoast to deliver what you get in the SC package, since the car didn't have SC.

Wow!---this car now storms up to the redline with the up and down shifts happening very quickly with a nice throttle blip on the down shifts...it really transforms the car. $1200 + labor.


Original Message

Author: MikenOH
Date: November 23, 2015 02:49PM

For those of you fortuneate enough to be driving a 997.2 C2S or C4S
A good friend recently picked up a 997.2 C4S and I had to chance to drive it--a very nice car out of the box.
He later decided to add the Sport/Sport+ button hardware software from Suncoast to deliver what you get in the SC package, since the car didn't have SC.

Wow!---this car now storms up to the redline with the up and down shifts happening very quickly with a nice throttle blip on the down shifts...it really transforms the car. $1200 + labor.
