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Message: Don't try this mod ...

Changed By: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Change Date: May 13, 2016 02:30PM

Don't try this mod ...
... if you like your engine.
This modification has you punch a hole in the back end of the IMS s d and forces the shaft full of oil.
In order to get the oil to flow you would need to remove the IMS bearing and eliminate its seals, then replace it.
Guess the labor savings are now gone.
Now you'll have a rotating IMS shaft partially full of oil. This shaft was not designed to do this. I have been in a car with this mod and the side-to-side vibration from the engine from idle through 2500 RPM is mind blowing. I assure you it will make ssomething fail sooner than later.
Finally, the main reasons for oiling the bearing are lunrication and maybe as important to lower the temp.
This oil which is picked up by the pump directly from the sump is dirty and has not passed through the oil cooler, so you will be bathing your beatring in hot and dirty oil. Any metal particle picked up by the pump will go through the bearing. Do you really want that?
The only system that uses the correct amount of clean s d and cooled oil is the DOF.
Nuf said.
Happy oiling

Original Message

Author: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Date: May 12, 2016 12:25PM

Don't try this mod ...
... if you like your engine.
This modification has you punch a hole in the back end of the IMS s d forces the shaft full of oil.
In order to get the oil to flow you would need to remove the IMS bearing and eliminate its seals, then replace it.
Guess the labor savings are now gone.
Now you'll have a rotating IMS shaft partially full of oil. This shaft was not designed to do this. I have been in a car with this mod and the side-to-side vibration from the engine from idle through 2500 RPM is mind blowing. I assure you it will make smething fail sooner than later.
Finally, the main reasons for oiling the bearing are lunrication and maybe as important to lower the temp.
This oil which is picked up by the pump directly from the sump is dirty and has not passed through the oil cooler, so you will be bathing your beating in hot and dirty oil. Any metal particle picked up by the pump will go through the bearing. Do you really want that?
The only system that uses the correct amount of clean s d cooled oil is the DOF.
Nuf said.
Happy oiling