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Message: TSB's are free.... generally.

Changed By: Kevin the Slow in NYC
Change Date: February 22, 2011 11:34AM

TSB's are free.... generally.
The dealer should volunteer to check your serial number to see what open TSB's or Recalls there are on your vehicle. This is true no matter where you bought the car or if it's still under warranty. The dealer gets paid from the manufacturer for doing the work, and it helps to build customer good will. It's also used by dealers to distract you from the obscenely high prices they charge for everything else...

[left][left][/left][/left][i]"Yeah, they charged me $300 for an oil change, but they fixed my mirrors, added stud caps and adjusted my Johnson rod at no additional cost..."[/i]

If the dealer doesn't check for TSB's/Recalls on their own, ask them to do it.

Check out this link to Edmunds.com for an interesting list of TSB's on the 2005 Boxster S.


KtS - Will I find a Swiss Miss in Little Switzerland?
Changed By: Kevin the Slow in NYC
Change Date: February 22, 2011 11:21AM

TSB's are free.... generally.
The dealer should volunteer to check your serial number to see what open TSB's or Recalls there are on your vehicle. This is true no matter where you bought the car or if it's still under warranty. The dealer gets paid from the manufacturer for doing the work, and it helps to build customer good will. It's also used by dealers to distract you from the obscenely high prices they charge for everything else...

[left][left][/left][/left][i]"Yeah, they charged me $300 for an oil change, but they fixed my mirrors, added stud caps and adjusted my Johnson rod at no additional cost..."[/i]

If the dealer doesn't check for TSB's/Recalls on their own, ask them to do it.

Check out this link to Edmunds.com for an interesting list of TSB's on the 2005 Boxster S.


KtS - Will I find a Swiss Miss in Little Switzland?

Original Message

Author: Kevin the Slow in NYC
Date: February 22, 2011 11:17AM

TSB's are free.... generally.
The dealer should volunteer to check your serial number to see what open TSB's or Recalls there are on your vehicle. This is true no matter where you bought the car or if it's still under warranty. The dealer gets paid from the manufacturer for doing the work, and it helps to build customer good will. It's also used by dealers to distract you from the obscenely high prices they charge for everything else...

[left][left][/left][/left][i]"Yeah, they charged me $300 for an oil change, but they fixed my mirrors, added stud caps and adjusted my Johnson rod at no additional cost..."[/i]

If the dealer doesn't check for TSB's/Recalls on their own, ask them to do it.

Check out this link to Edmunds.com for an interesting list of TSB's on the 2005 Boxster S.


KtS - Will I find a Swiss Miss in Little Switzland?