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Message: Porsche key blade swap... Need help

Changed By: CarreraLicious
Change Date: September 08, 2016 09:26AM

Porsche key blade swap... Need help
I have the older 3 button key (lock/unlock, frunk, trunk) as shown below. Bought this key from eBay from a guy who forgot to give this key to the person he sold his car to. I want to take the blade and pill from my old key which has worn out buttons and transfer it to this new key. How can I remove the key blade?...I don't see anything to press to release the blade. Also, where is the pill? I know that the key won't work unless I transfer the immobilized r pill also. Thanks in advance.


Original Message

Author: CarreraLicious
Date: September 08, 2016 09:25AM

Porsche key blade swap... Need help
I have the older 3 button key (lock/unlock, frunk, trunk) as shown below. Bought this key from eBay from a guy who forgot to give this key to the person he sold his car to. I want to take the blade and pill from my old key which has worn out buttons and transfer it to this new key. How can I remove the key blade?...I don't see anything to press to release the blade. Also, where is the pill? I know that the key won't work unless I transfer the immobilized pill also. Thanks in advance.
