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Message: see below Rubber caps dont work very well. (BTDT)

Changed By: grant
Change Date: October 03, 2016 10:06AM

see below Rubber caps dont work very well. (BTDT)
rubber caps do not work, because the flare fitting requires compression to seal. Putting it just over the flare itself is partially successful, but i'd like better.
A cap can work temporarily, but not if, for example, I want to take it off for a few days while i work on it or get parts. Taking a chance of air slowly entering the ABS pump is just too big a chance to take.

I have no plans to replace the lines I have. I plan to order two of the cheapest I can find ( or get take-offs from a local shop).

Either way, what i want to confirm is the thread and flare spec.



Original Message

Author: grant
Date: October 03, 2016 10:05AM

see below Rubber caps dont work very well. (BTDT)
rubber caps do not work, because the flare fitting requires compression to seal. Putting it just over the flare itself is partially successful, but i'd like better.

I have no plans to replace the lines I have. I plan to order two of the cheapest I can find ( or get take-offs from a local shop).

Either way, what i want to confirm is the thread and flare spec.

