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Message: Re: Cooland bleed isn't working

Changed By: Red_Lightnin!
Change Date: February 23, 2011 11:25AM

Re: Cooland bleed isn't working
That is excellent advice from Alcantera, and Marc is right about opening the heater core.

Another point on the coolant cap - just because it is the most current design does not mean it is not bad. I have replaced this item at least three times - my hypothesis is that once the system overheats and blows through the cap, the pressure valve never works quite the same. Just conjecture.

This being said, if the cap is less than a year old, it might still be good. On the other hand, if it has vented several times now, you will probably need to a new cap anyway. (they're pretty cheap). But you should definitely pressure test the system and if you choose to bleed again, make sure you have the heater core open.

Original Message

Author: Red_Lightnin!
Date: February 23, 2011 11:24AM

Re: Cooland bleed isn't working
That is excellent advice from Alcantera, and Marc is right about opening the heater core.

Another point on the coolant cap - just because it is the most current design does not mean it is not bad. I have replaced this item at least three times - my hypothesis is that once the system overheats and blows through the cap, the pressure valve never works quite the same. Just conjecture.

This being said, if the cap is less than a year old, it might still be good. On the other hand, if it has vented several times now, you will probably need to a new cap anyway. But you should definitely pressure test the system and if you choose to bleed again, make sure you have the heater core open.