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Message: I have a leak

Changed By: Yippee38
Change Date: February 23, 2011 02:26PM

I have a leak
Started the bleed procedure again. I just did the first part to warm up the car. I discovered that my thermostat is working (radiator lines in the wheel wells were hot). I was still getting fluid dumping so I shut the car off. I could hear the coolant boiling. I did see vapor coming from the area of the filler cap and the bleed valve. I suppose it could be from the bleed valve, but I think I'm going to change the cap anyway. I don't see any evidence of a leak anywhere on or around the tank (except the vapor up top). I'm hoping that's the problem.

I called my local dealer, and they've got the .04 cap. My wife's gonna pick it up at lunch, so I'll let you know how it goes when she gets home. <finger's crossed>

Original Message

Author: Yippee38
Date: February 23, 2011 02:20PM

I have a leak
Started the bleed procedure again. I just did the first part to warm up the car. I discovered that my thermostat is working (radiator lines in the wheel wells were hot). I was still getting fluid dumping so I shut the car off. I could hear the coolant boiling. I did see vapor coming from the area of the filler cap and the bleed valve. I suppose it could be from the bleed valve, but I think I'm going to change the cap anyway. I don't see any evidence of a leak anywhere on or around the tank (except the vapor up top). I'm hoping that's the problem.