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Message: I'll cross my fingers that it solves your problem!

Changed By: Red_Lightnin!
Change Date: February 23, 2011 03:04PM

I'll cross my fingers that it solves your problem!
If it doesn't, you might also want to check the lines to the front radiators as well - you can access them through the wheel wells or from the under the car. I just realized that if the thermostat is working, and the lines to the engine are warm and you can't find a leak otherwise, and your cap is new, the only other idea that comes to mind is someone jacked the car improperly and crimped one of the lines to the front, which would explain improper cooling with a with a new cap and no obvious leak.s.

Original Message

Author: Red_Lightnin!
Date: February 23, 2011 03:01PM

I'll cross my fingers that it solves your problem!
If it doesn't, you might also want to check the lines to the front radiators as well - you can access them through the wheel wells or from the under the car. I just realized that if the thermostat is working, and the lines to the engine are warm and you can't find a leak otherwise, the only other idea that comes to mind is someone jacked the car improperly and crimped one of the lines to the front, which would explain improper cooling with a cap leak.