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Message: Data point - M6 bolts.

Changed By: Petee_C
Change Date: February 28, 2011 07:05PM

Data point - M6 bolts.
Thx, Ollie...

Ok, I got the Bentley Service manual off the shelf. Camshaft Cover bolts are M6 x30mm as stated on p15-5

I have a box of 100 M6x16mm zinc coated bolts in the garage, grade 8.8 (lowest grade I could find at local fastener place in bulk) - I use them as shear bolts in a big Honda Snowblower to protect the auger transmission.

Mounted a nut in my vice, and put a washer on it, and set my torque wrench to 145in-lbs (about 12ft lbs)

Tightened and loosened it 20x, no signs of failure. Dry fastening.

Reusing it a couple times, won't lead to failure.


PS. MarcW, The camshaft I think is in it's own carrier, independent of the cover. At least it was when I checked valve clearance on a motor.

Original Message

Author: Petee_C
Date: February 28, 2011 06:57PM

Data point - M6 bolts.
Thx, Ollie...

Ok, I got the Bentley Service manual off the shelf. Camshaft Cover bolts are M6 x30mm as stated on p15-5

I have a box of 100 M6x16mm zinc coated bolts in the garage, grade 8.8 (lowest grade I could find at local fastener place in bulk) - I use them as shear bolts in a big Honda Snowblower to protect the auger transmission.

Mounted a nut in my vice, and put a washer on it, and set my torque wrench to 145in-lbs (about 12ft lbs)

Tightened and loosened it 20x, no signs of failure. Dry fastening.

Reusing it a couple times, won't lead to failure.
