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Message: At least once a year. Sometimes when I've been through a particularly dirty area...

Changed By: MarcW
Change Date: March 02, 2011 08:22PM

At least once a year. Sometimes when I've been through a particularly dirty area...
I'll change the air filter when I return hom.

And I have been through some dirty areas: I have pics of encountering dust storms on I-20 in west Texas, on I-40 going through the middle of Albuquerque NM (at the I-40/I-25 interchange and a bit west of there). Other times (no pics) I drove for miles and miles across eastern CO and western KS in very high winds with dust everywhere and everyone once in a while smashing into another very large tumbleweed. This was late very late at night. Yet another time I was in KS -- I don't recall where now -- and the air was thick with dust and the smoke of over 10 easily spotted and counted agriculture fires with more off into the distance and much fainter. The ones I could see clearly and counted their smoke rose like a pillar reaching from the ground up into the air, with a pillar at almost at every point of the compass.



Original Message

Author: MarcW
Date: March 02, 2011 08:08PM

At least once a year. Sometimes when I've been through a particularly dirty area...
I'll change the air filter when I return hom.

And I have been through some dirty areas: I have pics of encountering dust storms on I-20 in west Texas, on I-40 going through the middle of Albuquerque NM (at the I-40/I-25 interchange and a bit west of there). Other times (no pics) I drove for miles and miles across eastern CO and western KS in very high winds with dust everywhere and everyone once in a while smashing into another very large tumbleweed. This was late very late at night. Yet another time I was in KS -- I don't recall where now -- and the air was thick with dust and the smoke of over 10 easily spotted and counted agriculture fires with more off into the distance and much fainter. The ones I could see clearly and counted their smoke rose like a pillar reaching from the ground up into the air, with a pillar at almost at every point of the compass.

