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Message: What, no Buick Regal Turbo?

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: March 03, 2011 07:21PM

What, no Buick Regal Turbo?
Actually, I saw a tv ad today for it and it sounded pretty good; dare I say almost Porsche-like at steady throttle. Of course, the ad showed the car "racing" along at maybe 50 mph with the alternating interior shots showing the speedo going up from 30 to about (gasp!) 45. In contemplating this thread I went to Buick's page for the model, and read some of the blurbs. To this day Detroit still can't get away from infantile feature descriptors, in this case the car has "Signature Taillights." Is that like Taco Bell's "Signature Recipe?" I'm reminded, too, of some Pontiac Firebirds having "Fuel Injection" decals on, of all places, the door handles.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: March 03, 2011 07:06PM

What, no Buick Regal Turbo?
Actually, I saw a tv ad today for it and it sounded pretty good; dare I say almost Porsche-like at steady throttle. Of course, the ad showed the car "racing" along at maybe 50 mph with the alternating interior shots showing the speedo going up from 30 to about (gasp!) 45. In contemplating this thread I went to Buick's page for the model, and read some of the blurbs. To this day Detroit still can't get away from infantile feature descriptors, in this case the car has "Signature Taillights." Is that like Taco Bell's "Signature Recipe?" I'm reminded, too, of some Pontiac Firebirds having "Fuel Injection" decals on, of all places, the door handles.