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Message: 996 throttle body on original TechnoTorque plenum?

Changed By: The Voxster ('03S, In-A-Band Jose)
Change Date: May 18, 2018 01:14PM

996 throttle body on original TechnoTorque plenum?
I bought one of the original TechnoTorque plenums, and it's been in my car for ages, but... I never did the throttle body upgrade to go with it.
Will it fit that TT plenum?

(Frankly, it's been so long that I can't even remember if I was ever successful at the intake tube install, either... this red and blue silicone thing is I think successfully installed now as well from a Boxster tech day at my place with Larry Para and a few others, but I remember making a few attempts at it.)



Any thoughts would be welcome!

Original Message

Author: The Voxster ('03S, In-A-Band Jose)
Date: May 18, 2018 12:48PM

996 throttle body on original TechnoTorque plenum?
I bought one of the original TechnoTorque plenums, and it's been in my car for ages, but... I never did the throttle body upgrade to go with it.

(Frankly, it's been so long that I can't even remember if I was ever successful at the intake tube install, either... this red and blue silicone thing is I think successfully installed now as well from a Boxster tech day at my place with Larry Para and a few others, but I remember making a few attempts at it.)



Any thoughts would be welcome!