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Message: size of lug nut socket needed

Changed By: bb1
Change Date: September 08, 2019 07:14PM

size of lug nut wrench socket needed
Hey folks - for a 2000 Boxster, the size of the socket to remove the lug nuts should be? I assume since Germany uses metric that it would be 19mm by standard. 3/4"=19.05mm so maybe 3/4" is used as well? Just trying to line up the right tool to take off the the wheels for first time.

Original Message

Author: bb1
Date: September 08, 2019 07:01PM

size of lug nut wrench needed
Hey folks - for a 2000 Boxster, the size of the socket to remove the lug nuts should be? I assume since Germany uses metric that it would be 19mm by standard. 3/4"=19.05mm so maybe 3/4" is used as well? Just trying to line up the right tool to take off the the wheels for first time.