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Message: Is this something I need to be concerned about??

Changed By: frogster
Change Date: May 01, 2020 03:45PM

Is this something I need to be concerned about??

I recently changed the serpentine belt on my 2001 Boxster S for the second time at 109,000 miles. When I finished I noticed what appears to be a fluid leak of some kind in the engine compartment directly behind the drivers seat. This photo was taken before I reinstalled the front engine cover. Is this normal wear or is it indicative of something I need to repair?




[link fixed by frogster admin]

Original Message

Author: Wyominguy
Date: May 01, 2020 03:34PM

Is this something I need to be concerned about??

I recently changed the serpentine belt on my 2001 Boxster S for the second time at 109,000 miles. When I finished I noticed what appears to be a fluid leak of some kind in the engine compartment directly behind the drivers seat. This photo was taken before I reinstalled the front engine cover. Is this normal wear or is it indicative of something I need to repair?


