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Message: Re: 2001 Boxster S won't fire

Changed By: CarreraLicious
Change Date: November 23, 2020 06:59AM

Re: 2001 Boxster S won't fire
The easiest thing to check first is your fuel pump fuse and fuel pump relay. If you open the cover to the fuse box (foot well near where your dead pedal is located), there should be a folded paper behind the cover which shows the fuse and relay locations. If those are good, then you have to investigate other items which could be a crankshaft position sensor, fuel pump, clogged fuel filter (rare), but on your 01, there is a fuel filter under the center of the car that can to be replaced. I’m sure there’s a bunch of other things that you can check but that’s all I can think of. I’m sure Pedro or Stefan can chime in and help. Sorry to hear of your troubles and hope you can figure it out quickly and enjoy the car again.

Original Message

Author: CarreraLicious
Date: November 23, 2020 06:58AM

Re: 2001 Boxster S won't fire
The easiest thing to check first is your fuel pump fuse and fuel pump relay. If you open the cover to the fuse box (foot well near where your dead pedal is located), there should be a folded paper which shows the fuse and relay locations. If those are good, then you have to investigate other items which could be a crankshaft position sensor, fuel pump, clogged fuel filter (rare), but on your 01, there is a fuel filter under the center of the car that can to be replaced. I’m sure there’s a bunch of other things that you can check but that’s all I can think of. I’m sure Pedro or Stefan can chime in and help. Sorry to hear of your troubles and hope you can figure it out quickly and enjoy the car again.