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Message: Go with the much better and slightly more expensive Lloyds mats...

Changed By: Gary in SoFL
Change Date: March 21, 2011 03:01PM

Go with the much better and slightly more expensive Lloyd s mats...
Given the method you use of guiding into your Boxster, these mats aren't going anywhere. I suspect it's the method the enter and exit the car to some degree determined by girth, that causes movement, along with not having the Lloyd s mats properly anchored in the first place. They look, feel, and wear so much better than the cheapo OEM's.

If they don't move on me, they won't move on you, Guenter. :)-D

Original Message

Author: Gary in SoFL
Date: March 21, 2011 03:00PM

Go with the much better and slightly more expensive Lloyd mats...
Given the method you use of guiding into your Boxster, these mats aren't going anywhere. I suspect it's the method the enter and exit the car to some degree determined by girth, that causes movement, along with not having the Lloyd mats properly anchored in the first place. They look, feel, and wear so much better than the cheapo OEM's.

If they don't move on me, they won't move on you, Guenter. :)-D