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Message: PDK fluid change for '16CS

Changed By: j.davis
Change Date: June 29, 2022 07:49PM

PDK fluid change for '16CS
My CS just hit 31k mi. It's 6 years old. Should I have the PDK fluid changed sooner than Porsche recommends? I do oil & filter changes every 5k mi. instead of the 10k that Porsche recommends. I plan to keep the car for many more years and miles. Thanks in advance.


Original Message

Author: j.davis
Date: June 29, 2022 07:40PM

PDK fluid change for '16CS
My CS just hit 31k mi. It's 6 years old. Should I have the PDK fluid changed sooner than Porsche recommends? I do oil & filter changes every 5k mi. instead of the 10k that Porsche recommends. I plan to keep the car for many more years and miles. Thanks in advance.
