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Message: Re: So, the easy solution . . .

Changed By: longislander1
Change Date: March 24, 2011 07:32PM

Re: So, the easy solution . . .
Good comments. I like your solution. Wish I could get the Porsche dealer to hire the Subaru service manager. Seriously, I bought a second Subaru at the same dealer a few months later and I paid I a slightly higher price to do so. The service is that good. The cars are, too.

Original Message

Author: longislander1
Date: March 24, 2011 07:23PM

Re: So, the easy solution . . .
Good comments. I like your solution. Wish I could get the Porsche dealer to hire the Subaru service manager. Seriously, I bought a second Subaru at the same dealer a few months later and I paid I slightly higher price to do so. The service is that good. The cars are, too.