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Message: Re: Close to taking a much needed break from work. (Have oodles of vacation time to use up.) Want...

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: March 24, 2011 10:37PM

Re: Close to taking a much needed break from work. (Have oodles of vacation time to use up.) Want...

Michelle and I just crossed into the US on Tuesday. Just released from detainment today. ......oh, wait - that was on a TV show. ;) :D

Actually, we drove across at Buffalo. We just showed our passports, were asked where we were going and we'were sent on our way. 60 seconds tops. It wasn't busy at all at 2PM.

We cross the border 2 or 3 times a year. Worst is lineups at the border if it's a busy time of day.

Just answer any questions. Usually, they'll ask where you're headed. Just give them your destination and keep it simple. I think the people who have problems are ones with smart @$$ answers or making wise cracks.

Vancouver is a beautiful city. Enjoy the drive up. If you have a chance to meet with frogster, I'm sure he'd be happy to give you some sight seeing tips.

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: March 24, 2011 10:30PM

Re: Close to taking a much needed break from work. (Have oodles of vacation time to use up.) Want...

Michelle and I just crossed into the US on Tuesday. Just released from detainment today. ......oh, wait - that was on a TV show. ;) :D

Actually, we drove across at Buffalo. We just showed our passports, were asked where we were going and we're sent on our way. 60 seconds tops. It wasn't busy at all at 2PM.

We cross the border 2 or 3 times a year. Worst is lineups at the border if it's a busy time of day.

Just answer any questions. Usually, they'll ask where you're headed. Just give them your destination and keep it simple. I think the people who have problems are ones with smart @$$ answers or making wise cracks.

Vancouver is a beautiful city. Enjoy the drive up. If you have a chance to meet with frogster, I'm sure he'd be happy to give you some sight seeing tips.