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Message: Re: In my previous txt, this thread, I mentioned . . .

Changed By: John Brown of SE SoDak
Change Date: June 19, 2023 09:17AM

Re: In my previous txt, this thread, I mentioned . . .
our cars are particular about tranny fluid & I recommended what I have used, which is Pentosin. I've read a number on Internet postings noting hard shifting when using other brands. Since you're experiencing what you describe as "balking", when shifting, perhaps when previously refilled, it was w/another brand? If so, a switch to Pentosin may fix you up. BTW, I can't imagine how using another brand would hurt the tranny, just maybe stiffen up the shifting a bit.

Original Message

Author: John Brown of SE SoDak
Date: June 19, 2023 09:13AM

Re: In my previous txt, this thread, I mentioned . . .
our cars are particular about tranny fluid & I recommended what I have used, which is Pentosin. I've read a number on Internet postings noting hard shifting when using other brands. Since you're experiencing what you describe as "balking", perhaps when previously refilled, it was w/another brand? If so, a switch to Pentosin may fix you up. BTW, I can't imagine how using another brand would hurt the tranny, just maybe stiffen up the shifting a bit.