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Message: Re: Tire Question for any members in Charlotte

Changed By: Lawdevil & CURVN8R
Change Date: March 31, 2011 11:02AM

Re: Tire Question for any members in Charlotte
Mike, while the average low may be below 40, that low temperature usually occurs in the middle of the night. The average high every month is well in the safe range. Also, I find that on major highways, the temperature is usually several degrees warmer than the average for the area. I won't drive my Boxster in the snow or ice or very cold temperatures, but generally that has not been a huge problem. If the air temp is 35+ and the highways are clear, particularly on sunny days, I don't hesitate to take the Boxster with no adverse problems. Of course, I have two 4wd SUVs in the case of inclement weather. I guess if I absolutely had to be at work by a certain time and had no other transportation, I might go with all-season. Otherwise, I'd stick to the summer tires.n/t

Original Message

Author: Lawdevil & CURVN8R
Date: March 31, 2011 10:55AM

Re: Tire Question for any members in Charlotte
Mike, while the average low may be below 40, that low temperature usually occurs in the middle of the night. The average high every month is well in the safe range. Also, I find that on major highways, the temperature is usually several degrees warmer than the average for the area. I won't drive my Boxster in the snow or ice or very cold temperatures, but generally that has not been a huge problem. If the air temp is 35+ and the highways are clear, particularly on sunny days, I don't hesitate to take the Boxster with no adverse problems. Of course, I have two 4wd SUVs in the case of inclement weather. I guess if I absolutely had to be at work by a certain time and had no other transportation, I might go with all-season. Otherwise, I'd stick to the summer tires.