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Message: Is it illegal in all states? I know that in New Jersey it's considered road rage...

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: April 05, 2011 05:02PM

Is it illegal in all states? I know that in New Jersey it's considered road rage...
... but along with those obnoxious "Baby On Board" signs, it's another thing that Europeans (at least the Germans) understand tothe proper mean, ing of, and in this case, "Please let me pass in the [i]passing[/i] lane." Passing on the right is relatively dangerous, nicht wahr?
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: April 05, 2011 05:00PM

Is it illegal in all states? I know that in New Jersey it's considered road rage...
... but along with those obnoxious "Baby On Board" signs, it's another thing that Europeans (at least the Germans) understand to mean, "Please let me pass in the [i]passing[/i] lane." Passing on the right is relatively dangerous., nicht wahr?

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: April 05, 2011 04:58PM

Is it illegal in all states? I know that in Jersey it's considered road rage...
... but along with those obnoxious "Baby On Board" signs, it's another thing that Europeans (at least the Germans) understand to mean, "Please let me pass in the [i]passing[/i] lane." Passing on the right is relatively dangerous.