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Message: Re: Not recommended. I've read stories from people who have and it encourages road rage...ops,

Changed By: jwdbox
Change Date: April 05, 2011 06:25PM

Re: Not recommended. I've read stories from people who have and it encourages road rage...ops,
In a few of these instances, I've even see the tailgating driver flash his vehicle's headlights on high and this is also illegal.


I was under the impression that some states had some law on the books indicating it was 'illegal' to flash [i]on-coming[/i] cars to warn them of police ahead of them on the road (ie with radar). I was not aware of any law indicating it was illegal to flash to pass (regardless of tailgating issues). I frequently flash semi-trucks quickly to increase the probability that they see me and know I intend on safely passing them on the left.

Original Message

Author: jwdbox
Date: April 05, 2011 06:15PM

Re: Not recommended. I've read stories from people who have and it encourages road rage...
In a few of these instances, I've even see the tailgating driver flash his vehicle's headlights on high and this is also illegal.


I was under the impression that some states had some law on the books indicating it was 'illegal' to flash [i]on-coming[/i] cars to warn them of police ahead of them on the road (ie with radar). I was not aware of any law indicating it was illegal to flash to pass (regardless of tailgating issues). I frequently flash semi-trucks quickly to increase the probability that they see me and know I intend on safely passing them on the left.