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Message: Vaguely automotive related topic: Radiator sealant and the Japanese reactors

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: April 06, 2011 02:13PM

Vaguely automotive related topic: Radiator sealant and the Japanese reactors
As all of you may be aware, several days ago an attempt was made to stop the water leakage at the Japanese reactor(s) using a mixture of sawdust, etc. When I heard this failed, I immediately thought off of Stop Leak, or whatever that stuff is called that's used for leaking car coolant systems. I figured it was a whacky idea, and wouldn't have much credibility if I were to somehow get a hold of someone at Tepco, so I just dismissed it. So what do I read about today? They're using sodium silicate (the stuff in coolant sealant) with some measure of success! How 'bout them apples?!

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: April 06, 2011 02:13PM

Vaguely automotive related topic: Radiator sealant and the Japanese reactors
As all of you may be aware, several days ago an attempt was made to stop the water leakage at the Japanese reactor(s) using a mixture of sawdust, etc. When I heard this failed, I immediately thought off Stop Leak, or whatever that stuff is called that's used for leaking car coolant systems. I figured it was a whacky idea, and wouldn't have much credibility if I were to somehow get a hold of someone at Tepco, so I just dismissed it. So what do I read about today? They're using sodium silicate (the stuff in coolant sealant) with some measure of success! How 'bout them apples?!