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Message: Re: Suggestions for new Tecno products....

Changed By: SPG356
Change Date: April 07, 2011 10:04PM

Re: Suggestions for new Tecno products....

I am in the automotive business and let me tell you, the race for content is going to get worse and worse, or better and better depending on how you look at it.

Concerning daily drivers and standard issue transportation, everyone makes a relatively reliable car now. Everyone's cars are (basically) good looking, they start, they drive, they stop etc. The race among manufacturer's is to see how much technology you can cram into a vehicle to set yourself apart from the others.

Does this make them cars "better"? For some people, yes, and for some people, no, but everyone better get used to it!



Original Message

Author: SPG356
Date: April 07, 2011 10:02PM

Re: Suggestions for new Tecno products....

I am in the automotive business and let me tell you, the race for content is going to get worse and worse, or better and better depending on how you look at it.

Concerning daily drivers and standard issue transportation, everyone makes a relatively reliable car now. Everyone's cars are (basically) good looking, they start, they drive, they stop etc. The race among manufacturer's is to see how much technology you can cram into a vehicle to set yourself apart from the others.

Does this make them "better"? For some people, yes, and for some people, no, but everyone better get used to it!

