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Message: Life is good when

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: April 08, 2011 03:54PM

Life is good when
- you're lucky enough to own a Boxster.

- Spring comes and you get to take the cover off, disconnect it from life support adjust the tire pressure after 4 looooooooooong months

- you climb in that first time ..ah, the seat, the shifter, the wheel, the controls still exactly where they should be on a sports car

- left hand inserts the key and twists it clockwise

- the engine fires up as though you just parked it yesterday

- you drive off to the sound of the Symphony in Flat Six, keeping the sound gentle as the orchestra warms up completely

- once warmed up, you direct the orchestra to built d into a crescendo, followed by the snick, snick of the shifter and another crescendo

- Permagrin from ear to ear ...oh, life is sooooooooooo good. :)

- fully warmed up, it's time to take it in for the clean air test

- mechanic in his 20's comes out with a big grin, "I'll look after this one. Wow this car is so clean, gotta get some clean towels to put on the carpets"

- the Boxster passes the smog test with flying colours and mechanic offers to take if off your hands for a weekend, promising to bring it back all detailed

- you nod a thanks

- you get in, drive off and can't help feeling just how lucky you are to be driving one of these fantastic cars.

That's the kind of day I've had so far. X( (:D

- now I've just come up with a list of errands I "have to" run. ;)

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: April 08, 2011 02:01PM

Life is good when
- you're lucky enough to own a Boxster.

- Spring comes and you get to take the cover off, disconnect it from life support adjust the tire pressure after 4 looooooooooong months

- you climb in that first time ..ah, the seat, the shifter, the wheel, the controls still exactly where they should be on a sports car

- left hand inserts the key and twists it clockwise

- the engine fires up as though you just parked it yesterday

- you drive off to the sound of the Symphony in Flat Six, keeping the sound gentle as the orchestra warms up completely

- once warmed up, you direct the orchestra to built into a crescendo, followed by the snick, snick of the shifter and another crescendo

- Permagrin from ear to ear ...oh, life is sooooooooooo good. :)

- fully warmed up, it's time to take it in for the clean air test

- mechanic in his 20's comes out with a big grin, "I'll look after this one. Wow this car is so clean, gotta get some clean towels to put on the carpets"

- the Boxster passes the smog test with flying colours and mechanic offers to take if off your hands for a weekend, promising to bring it back all detailed

- you nod a thanks

- you get in, drive off and can't help feeling just how lucky you are to be driving one of these fantastic cars.

That's the kind of day I've had so far. X( (:D

- now I've just come up with a list of errands I "have to" run. ;)