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Message: Porsche related upcoming MythBusters show (possible spoiler here)

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: April 12, 2011 12:10AM

Porsche related upcoming MythBuster s show (possible spoiler here)
Just watched the Colbert Report and those two Mythbuster s guys were on. Colbert asked them for a teaser about an upcoming episode. They said it would be about a car that's supposedly more aerodynamic going backward than forward, but couldn't say the name for legal reasons. Well... anybody here recall that being said about a certain front engined water cooled 8 cylinder sports car produced by a certain company known for air cooled rear engined cars?
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: April 12, 2011 12:08AM

Porsche related upcoming MythBuster show (possible spoiler here)
Just watched the Colbert Report and those two Mythbuster guys were on. Colbert asked them for a teaser about an upcoming episode. They said it would be about a car that's supposedly more aerodynamic going backward than forward, but couldn't say the name for legal reasons. Well... anybody here recall that being said about a certain front engined water cooled 8 cylinder sports car produced by a certain company known for air- cooled rear- engined cars?
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: April 12, 2011 12:07AM

Porsche related upcoming MythBuster show (possible spoiler here)
Just watched the Colbert Report and those two Mythbuster guys were on. Colbert asked them for a teaser about an upcoming episode. They said it would be about a car that's supposedly more aerodynamic going backward than forward, but couldn't say the name for legal reasons. Well... anybody here recall that being said about a certain front engined water cooled 8 cylinder sports car produced by a certain company known for air-cooled rear-engined cars?

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: April 12, 2011 12:06AM

Porsche related upcoming MythBuster show (possible spoiler here)
Just watched the Colbert Report and those two Mythbuster guys were on. Colbert asked them for a teaser about an upcoming episode. They said it would be about a car that's more aerodynamic going backward than forward, but couldn't say the name for legal reasons. Well... anybody here recall that being said about a certain front engined water cooled 8 cylinder sports car produced by a certain company known for air-cooled rear-engined cars?