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Message: Comments

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: April 19, 2011 04:05PM

When asked if Porsche owners are interested in the environment, the CEO didn't really say they are, but mentioned concern for fuel mileage. Ok, enlightened self-interest is a means to an end, but I don't think being environmentally conscious and being a Porsche owner are mutually exclusive concepts. Before hearing that the Lohner was a replica, I wondered how they dared having it out on a sea-salt windswept rainy dock on the Hudson. Hmm, did the CEO actually hands-on build the car, or did he hire someone to do it?

Sunday and Monday I was riding around in a friend's Lotus Elise SC, and boy, does that Panamera look huge!

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: April 19, 2011 04:04PM

When asked if Porsche owners are interested in the environment, he didn't really say they are, but mentioned concern for fuel mileage. Ok, enlightened self-interest is a means to an end, but I don't think being environmentally conscious and being a Porsche owner are mutually exclusive concepts. Before hearing that the Lohner was a replica, I wondered how they dared having it out on a sea-salt windswept rainy dock on the Hudson. Hmm, did the CEO actually hands-on build the car, or did he hire someone to do it?

Sunday and Monday I was riding around in a friend's Lotus Elise SC, and boy, does that Panamera look huge!