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Message: Blinking Oil Indicator

Changed By: IFlyLow
Change Date: April 22, 2011 12:11AM

Blinmking Oil Indicator
Yesterday I noticed shortly after starting that the oil level icon was flashing. I shut off the car and it would not check the oil level. I manually checked it (thankfully I have a dipstick!) and the level was fine, so I drove home. It eventually stoped flashing, and now works normally. What exactly is the flashing indicator indicating?

Original Message

Author: IFlyLow
Date: April 22, 2011 12:11AM

Blinming Oil Indicator
Yesterday I noticed shortly after starting that the oil level icon was flashing. I shut off the car and it would not check the oil level. I manually checked it (thankfully I have a dipstick!) and the level was fine, so I drove home. It eventually stoped flashing, and now works normally. What exactly is the flashing indicator indicating?