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Message: Boxsters are beautiful in a Bauhausian way,

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: April 22, 2011 08:44AM

Boxsters are beautiful in a Bauhausian way,
but the very name "Italia" is so apt for a car that embodies the pulchritude of its namesake. If Michelangelo were around to design a car...
I believe the Italia is Ferrari's most beautiful visual statement since the original Dino. Not to knock the California, but the Italia has a resolution of line that the former doesn't.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: April 22, 2011 08:42AM

Boxsters are beautiful in a Bauhausian way
but the very name "Italia" is so apt for a car that embodies the pulchritude of its namesake. If Michelangelo were around to design a car...
I believe the Italia is Ferrari's most beautiful visual statement since the original Dino.