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Message: Re: Tip failure

Changed By: jg wnc
Change Date: April 24, 2011 01:54PM

Re: Tip failure
My 02S tip only has 60K miles, but probably not worth much more than yours.

Given your situation, I would probably go with the local indy shop and their rebuild guy. The $600 more is probably worth the extra peace of mind. I am presuming you would get some kind of warranty on the work. If not, then I would probably consider the aftermarket rebuilt unit. And yes, I'd go ahead and to the intermediate shaft bearing while the tranny is out of the car.

Keep us posted!

Original Message

Author: jg wnc
Date: April 24, 2011 01:54PM

Re: Tip failure
My 02S only has 60K miles, but probably not worth much more than yours.

Given your situation, I would probably go with the local indy shop and their rebuild guy. The $600 more is probably worth the extra peace of mind. I am presuming you would get some kind of warranty on the work. If not, then I would probably consider the aftermarket rebuilt unit. And yes, I'd go ahead and to the intermediate shaft bearing while the tranny is out of the car.

Keep us posted!