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Message: Einstein supposedly put on different colored socks without realizing it;

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: May 15, 2011 11:16AM

Einstein supposedly put on different colored socks without realizing it;
Beethoven could barely do simple arithmetic. I'll eat at a good restaurant even though the menu is loaded with the misuse of apostrophes. Yes, I've noticed quite a few brilliant people who have a keen intelligence in one or more areas of intellect, mechanics included, and be severely deficient in others. But... I think to misspell the name of the car you own, (and a Porsche, no less) then be apathetic when the error is pointed out speaks to attitude, and raises a red flag in my mind and probably several others'. My gut tells me I'd have to take extraordinary care in deciding whether to purchase this car, and not to rely at all on that it's "cherry." I don't consider anything I've posted on this subject an [i]ad hominem[/i] attack for its own sake. I have said we don't know anything about this guy, (other than how he's presented his for sale car.) I hope he sells it at a good price; just not to me.

Now I'll post this and belatedly find errors of syntax and spelling. Heck, to my chagrin I posted something about "grammer" on the old board!

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: May 15, 2011 11:11AM

Einstein supposedly put on different colored socks without realizing it;
Beethoven could barely do simple arithmetic. I'll eat at a good restaurant even though the menu is loaded with the misuse of apostrophes. Yes, I've noticed quite a few brilliant people who have a keen intelligence in one or more areas of intellect, mechanics included, and be severely deficient in others. But... I think to misspell the name of the car you own, (and a Porsche, no less) then be apathetic when the error is pointed out speaks to attitude, and raises a red flag in my mind and several others'. My gut tells me I'd have to take extraordinary care in deciding whether to purchase this car, and not to rely at all on that it's "cherry." I don't consider anything I've posted on this subject an [i]ad hominem[/i] attack for its own sake. I have said we don't know anything about this guy, (other than how he's presented his for sale car.) I hope he sells it at a good price; just not to me.

Now I'll post this and belatedly find errors of syntax and spelling. Heck, to my chagrin I posted something about "grammer" on the old board!