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Message: Oil gage pressure stop working !!!!

Changed By: Querrera
Change Date: May 16, 2011 11:11AM

Oil gage pressure stop worfking !!!!
Hi all...

yesterday I had a warning on my dash, telling me that my oil gage was in trouble. Then the oil gage pressure (located on the extrem rignt of the cluster) stop working and the neddle now always stand in the top and doesn't move along with the pressure. Oil level is fine...Is it a relay or a cluster problem?

Thanks for any help you can have

Original Message

Author: Querrera
Date: May 16, 2011 11:10AM

Oil gage pressure stop worfing !!!!
Hi all...

yesterday I had a warning on my dash, telling me that my oil gage was in trouble. Then the oil gage pressure (located on the extrem rignt of the cluster) stop working and the neddle now always stand in the top and doesn't move along with the pressure. Oil level is fine...Is it a relay or a cluster problem?

Thanks for any help you can have