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Message: Concerning severely limiting choices, et cetera.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: May 16, 2011 01:59PM

Concerning severely limiting choices, et cetera.
If I may quote Oscar Wilde, "I'm a man of simple tastes. I only want the best." (I think I got that right, and Winston Churchill had a similar expression.) Porsche owners are a discerning bunch, yes? Many of us here are not only that, but having migrated from the former board might find the misspelling of "Boxster" particularly disconcerting. I won't ever buy a car from a dealership with screaming radio ads: what is the customer base they are trying to reach? Why would I want to be a part of that?

I don't care much for emoticons. They can perhaps enhance communication, but let's remember: behind a smile there are teeth, so there's not necessarily a reduction of ambiguity concerning the poster's intent. I had at least one board message unintentionally display with a smiley because of my [i]proper[/i] use of punctuation and parentheses.

I can appreciate the evolution of language and media (hmmm... language [i]is[/i] a medium, isn't it?) Didn't the adverb form with "...ly" come from, "...like?" I'm not the strongest believer in the devolvement of humankind, even ancient Greeks complained of the youth being lazy and unfocussed. Comparisons even show up in The Iliad. I do worry nonetheless because just as the technical ability to communicate increases, the quality of style and [i]content[/i] are also changing, perhaps not always for the best.

As always, I hope not to come back to my post and find errors of style! And yes, "focussed" can be spelled with one "s," although it doesn't look right either way.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: May 16, 2011 01:56PM

Concerning severely limiting choices, et cetera.
If I may quote Oscar Wilde, "I'm a man of simple tastes. I only want the best." (I think I got that right, and Winston Churchill had a similar expression.) Porsche owners are a discerning bunch, yes? Many of us here are not only that, but having migrated from the former board find the misspelling of "Boxster" particularly disconcerting. I won't ever buy a car from a dealership with screaming radio ads: what is the customer base they are trying to reach? Why would I want to be a part of that?

I don't care much for emoticons. They can perhaps enhance communication, but let's remember: behind a smile there are teeth, so there's not necessarily a reduction of ambiguity concerning the poster's intent. I had at least one board message unintentionally display with a smiley because of my [i]proper[/i] use of punctuation and parentheses.

I can appreciate the evolution of language and media (hmmm... language [i]is[/i] a medium, isn't it?) Didn't the adverb form with "...ly" come from, "...like?" I'm not the strongest believer in the devolvement of humankind, even ancient Greeks complained of the youth being lazy and unfocussed. Comparisons even show up in The Iliad. I do worry nonetheless because just as the technical ability to communicate increases, the quality of style and [i]content[/i] are also changing, perhaps not always for the best.

As always, I hope not to come back to my post and find errors of style! And yes, "focussed" can be spelled with one "s," although it doesn't look right either way.