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Message: Re: Time for some pretty major maintenance and I need some advice. DIYs or dealer too...

Changed By: boxsterd
Change Date: May 18, 2011 01:40AM

Re: Time for some pretty major maintenance and I need some advice. DIYs or dealer too...
As you surmised a new clutch isn't DIY. That said, if you're replacing the clutch, I suggest you also have the RMS replaced, and replace the IMS bearing with a ceramic bearing from LN Engineering. I had all three done by a dealer for about $2$3000.

Original Message

Author: boxsterd
Date: May 18, 2011 01:35AM

Re: Time for some pretty major maintenance and I need some advice. DIYs or dealer too...
As you surmised a new clutch isn't DIY. That said, if you're replacing the clutch, I suggest you also have the RMS replaced, and replace the IMS bearing with a ceramic bearing from LN Engineering. I had all three done by a dealer for about $2000.