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Message: Update. Yesterday a tornado when through Sedalia MO where my parents live... They are all right...

Changed By: MarcW
Change Date: May 26, 2011 10:07PM

Update. Yesterday a tornado when through Sedalia MO where my parents live... They are all right...
They were out of town.

About 20 miles south of Sedalia in Colecamp.

Buying medicine for my mom.

Dad said a funnel cloud was sighted while they were in Colecamp and touched down but did little damage.

Highway 65 was shut down so dad had to detour over to Lincoln and then by back roads to highway B to make it back home.

The storm's path missed my parent's house by not many blocks. A large lumber store (Sutherlands Lumber Co) was damaged. From the pics I saw it was knocked flat.

Anyhow, the storm track went south of their house (they live on the southwest side of town) but not as far south as the storm track.

Oh I just heard about this today, just a few minutes ago. Our in-house meterologist came across 'Sedalia' in the storm reports and it rang a bell and it was he that brought the fact a tornado had gone through Sedalia yesterday. I never heard one peep from my folks. I called and spoke with dad just a few minutes ago.



Original Message

Author: MarcW
Date: May 26, 2011 10:04PM

Update. Yesterday a tornado when through Sedalia MO where my parents live... They are all right...
They were out of town.

About 20 miles south of Sedalia in Colecamp.

Buying medicine for my mom.

Dad said a funnel cloud was sighted while they were in Colecamp and touched down but did little damage.

Highway 65 was shut down so dad had to detour over to Lincoln and then by back roads to highway B to make it back home.

The storm's path missed my parent's house by not many blocks. A large lumber store (Sutherlands Lumber Co) was damaged. From the pics I saw it was knocked flat.

Anyhow, the storm track went south of their house (they live on the southwest side of town) but not as far south as the storm track.

